Directed by: Brittany Rogers Bourque & Caitlin Lapeyrouse
Musical Direction by: Kristen Martin Bruce
Audition Dates:
Mon & Tues. Dec. 17th & 18th @ 6:30
Auditions will take place at:
Le Petit Theatre De Terrebonne ( 7829 W Main St, Houma, LA 70360)
Production dates:
March 1-3 & March 5-10***If you have questions or conflicts with the audition times, please contact us on or Facebook page OR via email at .
About the Play
In this long-running Off-Broadway hit musical revue, Broadway’s greatest musical legends meet Broadway’s greatest satirist in this hilarious, loving, and endlessly entertaining tribute to some of the theatre’s greatest stars and songwriters. It’s a comedic parody musical review that features show tunes that are slightly altered from well-known musicals and its stars.
What to Prepare
Please prepare two contrasting songs (preferably from musical theatre) that best show off your range (16-32 bars/aproximately 30 seconds each). Pieces can be acapella or you can bring a backing track on your mobile device. We will have an aux cord to play songs. The show includes musical parodies of many broadway songs so we want to see your range. Some of the musicals ‘spoofed’ in the show are listed below for reference. The show also features songs in the style of artists such as Liza Minelli, Carole Channing, and Barbara Streisand.
SHOWS Featured
Into the WoodsHello Dolly!West Side StoryWicked
Les MiserablesPhantom of the Opera
Mamma Mia
Fiddler on the Roof
A Chorus LineAnd More!Character BreakdownsWe are seeking singer/actors and actresses who excel in comic timing and characterization. We plan to cast at least 4-8 performers of varying ages and backgrounds. There will be dancing in the show but you do not have to be a “Strong” dancer.